Saturday 17 March 2007


Tonight Rachel and I celebrated our birthdays and upcoming departures from South Africa. The party was at Pangani, where I stayed when I first arrived here with NieuCommunities. It was weird seeing my past, present and future all in one place. For many C-Kruis people it was their first time going there and they could not believe the beauty and lushness there and they loved seeing my old room and the dogs I loved to play with. For much Pangani and their staff, it would be the first time they met the students that are such a big part of my life and meet some of the people who might join me in the UK next year. They were excited for me to go, but my heart broke with theirs as I realised that I might not see many of them for a long time.

Daleen, who is the maven of cool and all that is creative and good, had the guests write their goodbyes and words of encouragement on a South African flag she bought. It was the perfect gift, it was personal, small enough to carry with me on my travels and unique to where I had lived these past three and a half years. She always knows how to touch my heart in a simple and significant way.

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