Friday, 30 June 2006

Breaking in and Broken Hearted

This week the teams are doing outreach that I organized for the teams. It was exhausting to arrange everything but I am grateful to be apart of exposing the students to different experiences. At this moment I am having a hard time motivating myself to keep going tomorrow.

While attending a worship meeting with our teams in Pretoria Central the car I am using was broken into. The door locks, steering column, ignition and wiring were damaged. The good thing is...nothing was taken from the car (computer, phone and handbag).

At this moment I feel like packing it up. It is so hard but I know that this is where I am supposed to be. The financial implications are the hardest to get past. It seems that each time I get closer to financial stability; something happens that takes the wind out of my sails. This puts me further from getting a car because the repairs are not covered by insurance and I have to have the car in running condition for the owner who returns in two weeks.

I am not sure what I will do for transportation at this point. But I am sure that I will find some way. God always seems to come through even though I do not agree with his methods in times like these. Well I guess I should crash, I have a long day at the police station and making arrangements for the cars' repairs.

Well this is what I have to get through tonight.

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