Thursday 12 April 2007

Wonder and Awe

Remember Edwin, the student I took into my home?

Well Sunday night we had a conversation – you know one of those bare bones, raw, "come to Jesus" talks that cut through the bull and gets to the point. Sometimes love is tough and it can mean saying those things that others are too nice to say; Believe me I did not make the mistake of being too anything. Let's just say he was loved well in truth. We covered many topics about his character, how people perceive him and how the choices he makes and avoids determine his future. By the end of the conversation he was wide-eyed. He said he needed to think it all over.

The next day he took action. He made appointments and had some hard conversations. He said he knew it was time for him to take ownership of his choices. He had a hard day and was pacing by the time I got home. Some of the talks did not turn out the way he expected but he was willing to admit that the results were positive overall and that was enough to encourage him to face some obstacles. I was so proud of him!

Tuesday, in out strategic meeting we needed to fill a position on team due to a leaving team member. Someone mentioned Edwin as a candidate. At that moment had an a- ha moment – Maybe that's why he needed to stay with me. Is God up to something in this situation? After several discussions, the SA director and the red tour leader met me at my home to meet with Edwin. We discussed the pros and cons of him joining the team 3 weeks prior to tour and how what was expected of him. Several times we came back to a place of why now and not before and although some of the questions were hard, I could see the gleam of joy in his eyes as he committed to face the challenges ahead.

As the conversation subsided and I prepared to go back to the office, we hugged as our emotions swelled. "Well I guess God was waiting for our conversation on Sunday," I said. He hugged me tighter and said, "I think your right."

Edwin is back on team!

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