Thursday 8 January 2009

Where Have You Been All My Life?

Yesterday, Shawna and I joined this collaborative work space called the HUB ( in Amsterdam.

In two days we met amazing people who are excited about Stichting Reckoning and want to help us succeed. It is like a giant playground for workers. We all show up at the sandbox with our best toys (our talents, connections and experiences) and share with each other to see what we can create. I believe it is a major cornerstone for us.

It so caters to my skill set and bent for landing myself in the middle of innovative situations. If you are struggling, just ask a question and there is most likely someone at the HUB who can help or at least direct you to some one who can. One stop shopping. I have to admit though it is very much geared for extroverts, so I can only take it in moderate doses. But I have to say what I experience in those sweet moments is well work it.

How many of you would like to work in an environment like this? What do you think about a mobile shared office?

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