Thursday 17 April 2008

Green ATC

Today I did something that could easily become a new addiction. It is exchanged, small, unique, expressive and artistic. It is a way for an individual to express their creative voice against those of others in a way that grows community and mutual adoration. What am I talking about? Artist Trading Cards!

ATC’s are works of art crafted on 2.5 X 3.5 inch card stock (size of a playing card – which are often used as a canvas) on which one can dream and do anything they dream. Once you have made your masterpieces you trade them with other artists. It is pretty simple – and all trading is free. This opportunity was dreamt up by M.Vänçi Stirnemann in 1996 and launched in an original project in Zurich in 1997. Armed with 1200 miniature pieces of art and a few partners he began trading original pieces of art with all those who gathered at the first show at INK.

What I love most about this principle is that it is free – one should not be charged for admission to the trading sessions. All works must be self-produced and you are encouraged to make the trades face to face and share your stories with each other. Many places in the world have monthly trading gatherings and people are encouraged to start their own. If you want to go international there are trading websites and mail groups. I think it is brilliant!

How is this green? Well when I was at VOXSac ( this weekend the theme for the participating artists was to go green in anticipation of earth day. A seminar was hosted on ATC’s where we worked with old magazines, playing cards, recycled paper, found material, anything can be used on these little gems. It is just that easy people.

I had so much fun making my first two cards and trading them that evening with some veteran ATCers. I have continued to make additional pieces since I have returned home. I hope to incorporate this into my lifestyle in Amsterdam, who knows where it may lead.

The top two are trades, the bottom items are works in progress

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