Saturday, 30 December 2006


Well there are only 36 hours left in 2006 and I feel rather incomplete. I am entering into my 43rd trip around the sun with a life filled with adventure, adversities and occasional triumphs. There is much to mourn and celebrate when I look over my journey but it produces a sign in me today. I guess I am just missing that feeling and quality of being known. I've been in South Africa now for three years, and although I have made some acquaintances, I would have to say that I have not found a sense of family here.

I have one great friend here, but due to distance and life we are lucky to see each other twice a year for a significant time of communion. People just don't have time for people outside of family here when it comes to those in my age group. I guess I am just feeling melancholy today for my tribe. That group of friends that did not need an occasion or reason to hang out, we just were…together. Together we shared history, experiences, tears, laughs, dances, food, wine, and life. We were a collective of souls running parallel to each other, spurring each other on to greatness. That greatness has spread us apart physically, but our hearts are still interwoven.

With the New Year approaching, I long to begin it with those who just know. No pretence just being- as we are together. When I think of our times together, it makes me smile from the inside of my very being.

Family of friends you are so missed and loved.

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