Sunday 13 May 2007


Today I visited a big church in London, (that shall remain nameless to protect the innocent) and I walked away feeling slimed. The worship was amazing and the people seemed genuine and friendly. The head of the children's ministry shared about giving in a way that was challenging and inspiring. I started question my whole scepticism of mega-church thing. I could really see myself becoming part of a place; making it my spiritual home and creating lasting friendships...

Then the pastor spoke and my dream was shattered. He was the type of guy that spends all his time telling you how cool and different he is because he does not buy into "church stuff" or "religion" and then does what everyone else does. Yuck! I mean come on! Are you kidding me? In a country where vicars are wearing robes and pastors have on suits, putting on Diesel jeans and leather jacket to be trendy does not make you a trendsetter.

Maybe it is me, maybe I am looking for something that does not exist outside my memory or California. I beg the question…where have all the freaks gone - the people who are marching to God's rhythm and creating ripples in society that create waves of change. I know they are out there; I just need to keep looking.

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