In 9 days I will turn 42 (I know The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy fans are having a chuckle). I am not sure what I expect or how I might feel. Age has never really been and issue with me. I actually enjoy being older for the most part. The only draw back is that your body and head do not always see eye to eye. Your mind tells you that you can still attend dance classes 5 days a week with no problem, so you do it just as you have done before. You enjoy that first class. No sweat! You are energized and excited. After about the third class your body informs you that your recent escapade resulted in a painful deficit, because your mind wrote a check that your body cannot cash! Pain sets in places that you never thought or imagined could hurt. But you think it's just because I am out of practice and I need to push through. But again the body reprimands and let's you know that you are not 12 anymore and you need to readjust your plan of action!
Other than that I am looking forward to my 43rd trip around the sun. Not quite sure how I want to celebrate it this year as it may be my last birthday in
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