Thursday 5 April 2007

The Boy is back in town!

Benjamin our long lost team member is back in South Africa! He left the first week of February for Zambia to complete visa to South Africa and has been fighting bureaucracy until last week! Can you believe it? A process that should have taken 5 working days, took 2 months from inception to completion.

Every week we bit our nails in anticipation of the latest snag to the process. Honestly we were mapping contingency plans in case he could not return. It is sad that he missed most of his curriculum and rehearsals; He was so excited about what he might learn and experience. Now he must catch up and be prepared for tour in 3 weeks.

He said his time at home was frustrating as regaled us stories of red-tape, but he also felt that it was a time to be with his family he had been estranged from. During his time at home, there were 2 deaths in the family. His mother was grateful to have Benjamin by her side while she coped with her losses. He also spent time with unmet cousins and uncles. It was a family reunion/restoration of sorts.

The team missed his ever-present and stunning smile; Flaps missed his talent as he has lead roles in three out of four performance and the school shows. Needless to say we are glad to welcome him back in the fold.

Welcome back Benji!

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